Greensburg Redevelopment Commission

The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission met on Thursday.

City engineer Ron May gave an update to the board on the Veterans Way phase 2 project status. Construction has continued but has slowed down due to weather. We are in the time of year when rain causes issues, however they are still on schedule. There was an update given on the planning services for the capital improvement plan. Wing Lau presented the plan draft to the board at a previous meeting. If the board is in agreement on approving the draft, May can notify Lau to continue on. This was approved. May also gave an update on the Department of Health Preparation of a community wide bicycle and pedestrian master plan. There was a meeting held to help with the process and procedures. There was an update given on the Veterans Way residential project. They purchased ground around veterans way and have sent out information to developers for residential projects. They have gotten some inquiries that May and Mayor Marsh have been looking through. May recommended the board hold an executive meeting to further look into these.

David Starkey with Reedy Financial Group gave a financial update to the board. This is an annual reports for the 2020 fiscal year that must be completed before April.

Ron May discussed with the board the creation of a lease of Veterans Way Property for agricultural production. The purchased property has been farmed for years by a local family and there is a possible 30 acres that they are interested in. If the city is interested, a rent agreement could be made. May recommended that they choose 1 board members to create a lease with the Mayors help. It was approved for Dr. Weigel to create the lease.

The 5 claims totaling in $45,060.05 were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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