Greensburg Redevelopment Commission

The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission met on Thursday.

City engineer Ron May gave an update to the board on the Veterans Way phase 2 project status. Everything seems to be going well and they have all the storm piping in the ground They constructed a sidewalk from State Rd 3 to the Taco Bell and they have temporary pavement on some parts. The NW side is close to having the sub-grade finished. He is optimistic about seeing great changes in a month or so. There was an update on the Indiana Department of Health Preparation of a Community-wide Bicycle and pedestrian master plan. The are continuing to move forward and they were granted the amendment to extend the end date from June 30 to September 30.

Board member Darren Burkhart gave an update on the Veteran’s Way Residential project. The committee that was formed had good input and they are still working out the details. They are still moving toward negotiations.

David Starkey with Reedy Financial Group presented the resolution of the Greensburg Redevelopment Commission determining need to capture incremental assessed valuation. This was approved. The board also gave their approval for Starkey to creat a preliminary report on the Honda/City agreement.

The the claims totaling in $13,906.86 were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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