The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission met on Thursday.
Mayor Joshua Marsh sent a letter of gratitude for Adam Wenztel for his years of service to the board.
Gary Smith with Reedy Financial Group gave a presentation of a proposed revised financial services agreement. They wanted come up with an agreement that the commission is comfortable with, so they created an a la carte proposal. There are 3 options to choose from: a monthly plan update for $20,000 a year, a quarterly plan update for $15,000 a year, or a yearly plan update for $10,000 a year. The goal was to provide options with different levels of service that they could pick and choose from to make their ideal plan. The board decided to do an update twice a year and have the full service option for reporting requirements. This was approved.
City Engineer Ron May have an update on the project status for Veterans Way phase 2. The contractor is making good progress. The earth work has been completed to where storm drainage and piping can be put in. They are planning on suspending work tomorrow until January 4 and once they return starting the construction of a retaining wall. May also gave an update on planning services for the capital improvement plan. They have sent out a copy of the final draft of document and American Structure Point is waiting on comments from the board to be submitted. May gave an update on the bicycle and pedestrian master plan. The Mayor received an agreement with the city and state department of health and signed it. The state has also signed it. They are waiting for a notice to proceed. May then discussed a request for proposals for the veterans way residential project. This was approved.
All claims were approved. There was a bond approved to be paid once received in January.
Morgan Schofield
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