Greensburg Walmart Hosts Grand Re-Opening

Friday November 3rd marked the Grand Re-opening of the Greensburg Walmart. Renovations have been in place for several weeks. From a new store layout to new merchandise, everything about the store is shining bright and customer friendly. The Walmart Management Team along with multiple Associates welcomed Community members to the Celebration. Several Associates were recognized for their years of service. Store Manager Shanna Tyree expressed excitement at the unveiling of the upgrade to the store. Tyree, a Walmart employee for 30 years, and local store Manager for the past 6 years, shared that Walmart’s philosophy is to provide a money saving shopping experience, to provide employment opportunities, and to be a good community partner.

Today a grant for $1500.00 was awarded to the Decatur County YMCA, $1000.00 to the Tree City Fall Festival, and $1000.00 to the Heart of Tree City.

Refreshments were served and many activities were set up in the parking lot and front walk of the store for the public to enjoy.

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