Greensburg Water Board

The Greensburg Water Board met on Tuesday.

This month’s employee recognition was Dori Baker with the Greensburg Municipal Utilities. Their work ethic, positive attitude, and willingness to help others is admired by her coworkers. Their motto is “to always be kind to people” and their favorite part about their job is the people they get to work with as well as helping others in the community.

Darren Burkhart gave an HNTB update on the new Surface Water Treatment Plant. They are projecting to do punch-list work in the middle of November and are tracking ahead of schedule. There aren’t many on-site surprises left which means they should stay ahead of schedule. They are scheduled to start putting the roof on the shed section of Area 10 on Friday. Change order #4 for $45,541 was approved.

Rob Mirick made a request to till the ground around the reservoir and replant to help with the thistle issue. They have been cutting the hay at the reservoir. This would be on the level area only. This will be further researched.

Rick Denny gave the monthly report of operations to the board.

Morgan Schofield


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