North Decatur High School honors Veterans

North Decatur High School parking lots were full Friday morning as they honored all Veterans. As
you entered the parking lot you were greeted by happy smiling football players that directed you
to park. As you entered the school it was a feeling of respect and honor. From the cafeteria you
could hear laughter from Veterans enjoying a breakfast provided by the Cafeteria staff.
As students, teachers, Veterans, and the public began to fill the gymnasium, it reminded us all
why we have the freedoms that we do.
The program began with a welcome speech from NDHS Principal Mrs. Debbie Reynolds, she
took this time to welcome all visitors and Veterans to the program. She then took a few
moments to speak about her experience of being part of a family with many active duty military
members and Veterans.
The National Anthem of the USA was then performed by the NDHS Band and NDHS Choir
Departments. The Pledge of Allegiance was proudly led by Brooke Mauer.
The program had wonderful components such as Gabriella Adams reading of “On Veterans
Day.” Followed by Cooper Parmer’s reading of the Military Code of Conduct.” Xander Jones
reading of “Soldiers Creed.”
The NDHS Band then began to perform the United States Armed Forces Medley, with the
introduction being made by Cecilia Barber. David Espinda was honored to call out the different
branches of the military as the band performed. Military members of those branches were asked
to stand to be honored. Every Military Branch was met with applause and appreciation
throughout the performance.

National Honor Society Sponsor, Ernest Ruble, came to the podium and stated he had a special
presentation to give today. He asked Cpt. Andy Rees Retired Indiana National Guard Member,
and Sgt. Eric Rees Retired Sgt Major US Army to come to the podium. Ruble began speaking
about serving alongside these fine men. He also spoke about the courage and passion these
men had and what they encountered as members. Ruble presented both men with a United
States flag for their service to the country.

Student Addie Gauck had the honor to introduce the program’s guest speaker, Tech Sergeant
Scott Reynolds- USAF. Reynolds spoke about growing up and having many family members
who served in the military. After graduating Greensburg High School in 2004, going to college,
and then returning home, his uncle approached him about enlisting. He agreed and felt that is
what he was going to do. Reynolds said, “I was proud of my family members who had enlisted
and that my uncle led me to enlist.” July 6, 2010, is the date that Tech Sergeant Scott Reynolds
first began his career in the Air Force.

During Tech Sergeant Scott Reynolds speech he did state, “The Military has provided me great
guidance and structure throughout my career.” Reynolds then spoke about how the efforts back
home truly affect active duty military service men and women. He stated that he is proud that
Greensburg has always been in his heart and he holds Greensburg and everyone near.
Reynolds said that what he does in his military career is for everyone back home in Greensburg.
He played a slideshow with pictures of himself, his wife, and children, stating “The military gave
me my family. Through the military I met my beautiful wife.” On one of the slides was a picture
of Reynolds and a few other servicemen playing corn hole. He said that he remains undefeated
in Afghanistan playing cornhole.
Following Tech Sergeant Scott Reynolds’ speech he was asked to come back to the podium by
Owen Wiseman, President of the North Decatur Chapter of National Honor Society. Wiseman
read from the podium stating that NDHS was proud to award Tech Sgt. Reynolds with the
NDHS Award of Merit for the sacrifice and service to his country.

Anna Mauer told the crowd what the 13 folds of the United States Flag are. Savannah Abrams
spoke about the history of the POW/MIA Flag.

America the Beautiful was wonderfully performed by the NDHS Band & Choir. Followed by Toll
of the Bell which included the American Legion Post #129 Honor Guard’s Rifle Salute. Taps
were played and ended the ceremony.
During the day’s activities, Mr. Ernest Ruble and the National Honor Society, honored Mrs.
Debbie Reynolds for her dedication to all service members, for all that she does for the school,
her encouragement, and assistance for helping with the Annual Veterans Day program.
Mr. Ernest Ruble was honored by the National Honor Society for his dedication to Veterans and
his own personal service as a Veteran himself. They remarked that this would be his last year
organizing and planning for the Veterans Day Program. He was thanked for everything he has
done to honor Veterans and ensure that all students have an opportunity to show their
appreciation and honor for those Veterans. NDHS Principal Mrs. Reynolds stood and said that
Mr. Ruble likes Christmas, so she thought that it was only appropriate to give you a 2024
Presidential ornament.
After the days presentation I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Ernest Ruble, “I have had the
absolute pleasure to be in a position that allowed me to put students in this unique position to
honor Veterans. Many say that I am to be thanked for these Veteran’s Day programs, when in
reality it is the students that work so hard. During my time at Jac-Cen-Del and North Decatur I
have been honored to lead and assist such great groups of students to organize and plan these
amazing programs.” Mr. Ruble then pointed to the seating for the Veterans to be honored and
stated, “I am looking forward to being over there in those seats next year enjoying this program.”

Ernie Ruble with NDHS student Charlie Cole

WTRE news coverage by Chris Ramey

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