The second half of the Indiana legislative session is in full swing with 13 bills on second reading and 10 bills on third reading. The 2023 legislative session has 6 weeks left to complete our work. The budget is in the Senate Appropriations Committee where hearings are taking place.
SB316 Sponsored by Representative Brad Barrett. This bill provides that the Statewide 911 Board (board) may conduct a feasibility study on potential ways in which the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems used by public safety answering points (PSAPs) in Indiana could be made interoperable to facilitate the standard dispatch of EMS resources based on using the EMS resource that represents the closest and most appropriate EMS resource to respond to an emergency. It provides that the board may submit a report on the study to the following not later than July 1, 2024:
(1) The executive director of the Legislative Services Agency to distribute to members of the General Assembly.
(2) The Department of Homeland Security.
(3) The Integrated Public Safety Commission.
(4) the Indiana Department of Health.
It sets forth information that may be included in the report. It also provides that these provisions expire January 1, 2025
SB384 Sponsored by Representative Frye. This bill requires the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) and the Indiana Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) to develop and implement the Higher Education Purple Star Designation for the following purposes: (1) To recognize postsecondary educational institutions that are supportive and inclusive of veterans and military connected families. (2) To provide veterans and military connected families with enhanced support for pursuing and finishing a degree or postsecondary credential. It also provides that the application for a designation must be made available to interested postsecondary educational institutions on the website of the CHE before May 1, 2024.
SB187 Sponsored by Representative Speedy This bill provides that a unit shall provide by ordinance the number of police reserve officers a law enforcement agency may appoint. It provides that the Law Enforcement Training Board may revoke, suspend, modify, or restrict a document showing compliance and qualifications for a unit’s police reserve officer who has committed misconduct. It also provides that a law enforcement agency hiring a police reserve officer must contact every other law enforcement agency that employed (or employs) the applicant and request the applicant’s employment file and disciplinary record.