The Decatur County Community Schools Board of Education met on Wednesday.
There was a reorganization meeting held before the regularly scheduled meeting. Stephen AmRhein, Nicholas Messer, and Joyce Geis all took the oath of office. The officers for 2021 were elected as followed:President- Joyce Geis, Vice President- Stephen AmRhein, Secretary- Matt Hoeing, President Board of Finance- Nicholas Messer, Secretary Board of Finance- Todd Mauer, ISBA Legislative Representative- Lizette Bell, and Treasurer Louise Smith. Doug Wilson was appointed their legal Council.
There was also a Board of Finance meeting held. They reviewed the investments for the previous year. The total interest earned was much lower in 2020 than it was in 2019, this was because in March everything bottomed out. They are working with the bank to see what they can do to earn more in 2021.
The regular meeting was then started. The board approved the payment of claims and payroll. The retirement of Willard Rice- South Decatur was approved. The resignations of Angela Verseman- North Decatur and Nikki Hartwell- South Decatur were approved. The medical leaves for Tiffany Foga- South Decatur, Kelsey Slaughter, and Marissa Miller were approved. The hirings of Matthew Grasper- South Decatur and David Means- North Decatur were approved.
The schools then presented their extra effort awards. Kasey Bolton was the recipient for South Decatur Elementary School. A valuable member to their team, Kasey does so much more than their job requires them to do and they have a do it all attitude that helps anyone. Laura Ash was the recipient for South Decatur High School. As a nurse, Laura has done so much with Covid and is friendly and dependable. Kay Schwering was the recipient for North Decatur Elementary School. As an amazing and respected member of staff, Kay is dedicated to the kids and school as a whole. Diane Beatle is the recipient for North Decatur High School. Always willing to help, Diane went the extra mile to make a seating chart binder to help keep everything organized with contact tracing within the school.
The Member Disclosure Statement was approved. All donations were accepted. The disposal of obsolete equipment was approved. All fundraisers were approved. The non renewal assistant superintendent contract was approved.
Angel Hocker gave a South Decatur Elementary School report. They have had a great start to the second semester and they have finished NWEA testing. Data meetings Were held last week. Boys Basketball is starting next week. Jim Jameson gave a South Decatur High School report. They have been invited to the AP TIP program to help with low AP scores among the students. This is a 2 year program that teachers will attend. Winter Palooza is this week hoping to raise school spirits. Drama club is performing “Clue” this year.
Rob Smith gave a North Decatur Elementary School report. Eye Screening for 3, 4, and 5 grade are on Monday. boys Basketball is starting next week and Girls Basketball had just ended. The goal is for both teams to play 10 games each. Lily McDonald is the state and world winner for the Achieve 3000 contest. Roller skating is starting back up again. They also wrote a grant and received 8 more robots for their Mars Yard. Debbie Reynolds gave a North Decatur High School report. They have met with each area of the school to talk about next year and what they want to teach. The 9th grade orientation presentation will be online. Next Friday, the 22nd, is the Ice Cream Honor Roll Celebration.
Morgan Schofield
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