Westport Town Council met on Monday.
The council signed the funeral deeds, payroll vouchers, adjustments, and monthly bills.
There was an update on the westport water projects. There was a discussion on wastewater improvements. The project is currently in the permitting and easement phase. IDEM has issued a requirement to do a service line update.
There was a nuisance property discussion. The house has ben inspected and it was found that the structure and the foundation of the property are in satisfactory condition. They need to continue work on the interior and modifications on the exterior and are requesting to have no timeline to do the work needed. The board did not feel comfortable with this as it sets a precedent. This was tabled for further discussion.
The board approved for a property rezone from R-2 to B-2 at the Decatur County APC request.
There was a request to close the alley by 107 W Sycamore Street at last months meeting. The board approved the first reading of the final ordinance for the alley closure.
There was a discussion on a delinquent debts state program. The towns current main ways of obtaining debt are leans and collection agencies, however with transients it is harder or impossible to collect. This program is allowed through a recent Senate Bill update that allows them to withhold debters personal income from tax refunds in order to collect the debt. The board approved the Memorandum of Agreement with the state to join the program.
The board approved to increase pay by 6% to the Town Marshal and Deputy Town Marshal.
The board wants to stress caution to community members on what is being flushed down toilets. Obstructions to the sewer line can result in lengthy and costly repairs.
There was reminder that all property owners are responsible for damage repairs payments to water meter sensors.
Morgan Schofield
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