Ripley County Fair Baby Contest
Tuesday July 25, 2023 5:00PM
General Rules:
Contest Limited to Ripley County Residents
Must have Parent Photo ID
The Contest will be held in front of free stage
The date for all ages is figured from July 1, 2023
Entry fee is $5.00 per child and 1 presenting parent
One Adult ONLY shall present the child on stage
Child should wear ONLY a white or printed t-shirt
Or onesie (shoes & socks permitted).
*NOTE: Any child not in the proper show clothing will be required to change or be disqualified.
* There will not be baby bags given out this year.
Categories: (A) Birth to 4 Months (B) 4 Months to 7 Months
(C) 7 Months to 9 Months (D) Multiple Births, Birth to 24 Months
(E) 9 Months to 14 Months (F) 14 Months to 19 Months
(G) 19 Months to 24 Months
Check-in and sign-up will be 5 min. before child’s category.