Decatur County Commissioners

The Decatur County Commissioners met on Monday. The board approved the claims.

Mark Mohr gave an update. They handled the snow removal well during the heavy snowfall experienced a couple weeks ago. They’ve concentrated on hand patching and replacing signs, and they got a chance to work on miscellaneous repairs. The stone roads are not doing well due to the moisture and they are trying to address it as soon as the weather allows.

Kenny Buening gave an update. There have been 25 building inspections, 5 new building permits, and 1 red tag for a pole barn too close to the property line. Upon further research the owner had bought the acre next to their build and Beacon had not been updated yet, everything was resolved. There were photos taken of the burnt house at Lake McCoy.

The commissioners discovered The blue walk bridge at the park is not listed as covered in their insurance. They have liability covered but not anything else. This will be further looked into. They got a $300 offer on an old ambulance. They have found property for a new highway department which is south of the extension office and is adjacent to property that is already owned by the commissioners. This was approved.

There was a resolution presented to allow counties to have full jurisdiction over wind and solar energy. The state recently put out that that will all be run and approved by the state and many counties do not agree with that including Decatur. This was approved.

The Commissioners gave their thanks to the hospital and everyone who works there for all the hard work put in during the pandemic.

Morgan Schofield


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