The Greensburg Board of Works met on Monday.
Brian Wenning with St. Mary’s requested a road closure for the On Eagles Wings 5K Run/Walk. This will be held on Saturday, August 28th from approximately 8am-11am. The same route as previous years will be used. This was approved.
Ashley Schwering with Girl Scouts came to the board to present the route information for the Cookie Crumbles 5K. This is the first year doing the 5K and they plan to use the same route as Champions of Youth. There will be certified crossing guards at each road. This will be held March 20th from approximately 9am-11:30am. There is a link on WTRE website to register. This was approved.
Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer came to the board with several items. The first was to share with the board the resignation of probationary firefighter Andrew Murphy. Murphy has received another job closer to his home and made it clear this is a distance issue and nothing more. They will now have an open position at the fire station. The next was the approval to purchase a utility body for a Rescue Squad conversion. There was $28,000 budgeted for this and they will also use $4,272 out of their own general budget. This was approved. The last item was the service agreement with Honda. This has gone from a 3 year to a 5 year contract. There were negotiations made as well. This was approved.
Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Smith came to the board with payment application #3 for $284,055.51. This was approved.
City Engineer Ron May presented the award of contract for Community Crossing Matching Grant 2020-2. This was awarded to O’Mara Contractors. This was approved. May also presented the proposal for engineering services for parking at North Park. Both the Mayor and May have been working on what improvements could be made to parking, drainage, and sidewalks at North Park including streetlights along the sidewalks. Colby King with FPBH Inc has been helping with the proposal as well. One plan is to use Riverboat and Edit funds which would leave $20,000 in the Riverboat fund. Another option would be to apply for the Community Crossing Matching Grant and with anything not eligible to pay for with their own funds. With either option, this can be completed within the budget considering everything goes according to plan. This was approved.
Street Commissioner Mark Klosterkemper requested permission to dispose of a 2000 IH truck and accessories. This would be sold as is with no warranty. It was approved to start receiving bids.
Mayor Joshua Marsh presented his items to the board. There was a request to engage Kroger Gardis and Regas LLP for handbook discussions. The handbook has been discussed since he became mayor and there is help needed to clean these up. The handbook would then come back through the board for approval once done. This was approved. The Utilities Office Civic Systems contract was approved.
The claims were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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