The Greensburg Board of Aviation Commissioners met on Thursday.
There was a financial report given to the board. The total for all 3 accounts is $714,956.27.
Paul Shaffer with BF&S gave an update on construction. There have been lots of progress meetings have been held within the last month. Surveys on grading will be done before O’Mara Contractors come to do their portion of soil stabilization which will begin April 1 contractually. Substantial completion for their portion will be August 29, 2023. AIP 16 partial pay request 16 for $252,000 was approved. AIP 20 partial pay request 4 for $25,096.72 was approved. Contractors pay request for $377,376.65 was approved.
Don Tribbett gave an update on property acquisitions. They have principle agreements in place for 2 properties. The Robbins Trust trial date is December 5. The Lowe property has a court hired appraiser for the avigation easement.
Airport Manager Jerry Scheidler gave a report. The hangars are full and they just replenished the fuel supply. The board approved the manager to pursue the purchase of a larger mower to be pulled behind the tractor.
The bills were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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