The Greensburg Board of Works met on Monday.
Police Chief Brendan Bridges and Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer presented their final drafts of Wellness policies for their departments. These were both approved.
Washington Township Trustee Christian Rust presented the revised version of the Washington Township fire contract. This was approved.
Police Chief Brendan Bridges represented WTRE for the parade route for the holiday walk and parade. This would start at Porter Oliger Funeral Home, go around the courthouse, up Broadway, down First Street, and end at the hospital for their tree lighting ceremony. The parade will begin at 5. This was approved.
Josh Tressler held a discussion on a citywide phone system update. This has been in the works since February. This would just be for the city. This was approved. The phones will be purchased this year for 2021. Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer requested to give a retirement payout to an officer with 20+ years. This was approved.
Street Commissioner Mark Klosterkemper requested to purchase a new trash compactor truck. Last year they realized they needed a backup and were given funds for a used truck. They found one that is 3 years old an in excellent condition in Nashville, Tennessee. No other quotes met the specifications for the truck. This was approved. Wastewater Superintendent Jeff Smith presented the final payout for Gas Creek of $17,676.17. This was approved. Smith also presented the release of retention on Gas Creek for $7,269.25 which was approved. There was also a payout to C&H/M for $125,036.72 for wastewater treatment plant improvements. This was approved. Change Order 2 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant of $156,188.50 was approved.
Brenda Dwenger presented the annual software contract with Keystone. This was for $8,020. This was approved. Utilities Manager Donna Lecher requested to dispose of $17,718.73 worth of assets that are no longer functional. This was approved.
Mayor Josh Marsh presented his items. There will be a short Veterans Day parade from Gilland Howe Funeral Home. There were 2 new vehicle requests. The first is for Ron May whos old vehicle is no longer safe to operate. This would be for a 2020 Ford Edge. This was approved. The second was for City Hall to be used for conferences. This is a 2021 Ford Explorer. This was approved. Vince Smith was approved to be the contractor at the Washington School during renovation for $28,660. Maddux was approved to be the moving company for $11,700. PackRat was approved to be used for storage.
The Greensburg Police Department has become the first and only Autism Center in a Police Department in America.
Morgan Schofield
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