Greensburg City Council

Greensburg City Council met on Tuesday.

There was a public hearing on Ordinance 2023-28 for the vacation of alleys. There was no public comment.

City Clerk Treasurer Amy Borns presented Ordinance 2023-27 for additional appropriation. This was approved. Ordinance 2023-24 to update Ordinance 2023-20 for City Employee Salaries was presented. This is to adjust the number of board members and the pay to go along with that adjustment. This was approved.

Veridus Group gave the monthly update on the Municipal Complex Project. There has been a lot of progress on mass earthwork. The dirt is being used to another site in order to be used for a future project. The stormwater will be installed completely by the end of January. The Fire Station membrane roofing has started and the drywall will be done at the end of the month. The Street Department salt barn walls and the foundations for the storage building are complete. The project is still on budget and on schedule for Spring of 2024.

City Clerk Treasurer Amy Borns presented the encumbrances of 2024. This was approved. Resolution 2023-11 for transfer of funds was approved.

City Engineer Ron May presented Ordinance 2023-28 for the vacation of alleys. This is a request from Kova who owns all surrounding property. This was approved.

Wastewater Superintendent Zeke Smith gave an update on Local Limits. This is an ongoing evaluation that must be done every year. This is to amend the 2019 report to add a monthly limit in poundage for lead, nickel, and zinc as well as a fluoride limit on top of the daily limits.

Mayor Josh Marsh presented Ordinance 2023-29 for update to DORA. This was approved. The 2024 Council Appointments to other committees and boards was approved. Mayor Josh Marsh discussed the retirement of City Engineer Ron May. May is retiring at the end of the year and they have been going through the process of finding a replacement. They have found one and will be announcing them at the start of the year.

Morgan Schofield


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