Decatur County has issued a Travel Watch (Orange) for the county. Ice, drifting snow, and extreme temperatures are making travel difficult and dangerous at this time.
Instructions: Restrict all travel to essential travel only. Conditions are life threatening.
- Snow totals have been reduced to 1-3 inches, we still have two rounds of snow showers moving our way before daylight.
- The rain from earlier today has frozen on the roads creating ice patches or worse in some areas.
- What snow we have received is starting to create drifts on the north/south roads.
- Temperatures continue to drop and the wind chills fall as well.
Current stats at 12:15 am are;
Temp is 3 degrees
wind chill is -11 degrees
wind is constant 21 mph with top gusts at 32 mph visibility is at 2 miles
From Decatur County Emergency Management Agency Director Brad Speer