The Decatur County Area Plan Commission met on Wednesday.
Aaron & Katelyn Nobbe requested to “Subdivide” approx. 6.5 acres out of 19.51 acres and “Rezone” approx. 2.99 acres from an A-1 to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single family detached dwelling. They plan to be on Napoleon rural water and attach to the existing driveway. The property is owned by Arthur Nobbe in Greensburg, Marion Township. Petition 2023-5 was approved.
Larry & Palma Sparks requested to “Rezone” Lot 28 & Lot 13 & 26 off the East side of Lot 14 and 29’x92’ of SE ¼ 1-11-10 of Clarksburg Clark’s 1st addition from an R4 to a B3 zoning classification to operate an Automobile Sales Office in the old bank and an Automobile Sales Lot on the SW corner of E CR 640 N & N CR 700 E. Lawrence Sparks has owned dealerships, auto auctions, and diesel repair shops in the past and is now looking to downsize and move closer to home. They want to use the old bank building as their office and dress up the corner lot so that both can become commercial. In the future they hope to add a garage for diesel repair. They have a good reputation and want to keep it that way. The property is owned by the petitioners in Greensburg, Fugit Township. Petition 2023-6 was approved.
Morgan Schofield
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