The Decatur County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Wednesday.
Jeffrey Krekeler requested a “Conditional Use” in an A-2 zoning classification to run a mechanic’s shop on the premises. The last time they met they discussed planting a tree line along the fencing. There have been 48 trees planted along the requested row and the board appreciated the cooperation of the petitioner. An adjoining neighbor did ask about parameters of the mechanic shop. There will be no more than 10 cars being serviced at a time, no employees, and open 7-6 Monday-Friday and Saturday 8-3. The board agreed to a 5 year conditional use. The property is owned by William & Patricia Krekeler in Greensburg, Salt Creek Township. Petition 2023-4 was approved.
Jeffrey Moore requested the following:
1. A “Special Exception” to operate a dog kennel business on the property and 2. A “Variance” from the required 150’ setback from an adjoining property line to approx. 20’ from an adjoining property line. They are moving to Decatur County from Kentucky where they have run a dog kennel for over 8 years. This is not a boarding business, but they raise red labs and do belong to a Kennel Club. There were no neighbor complaints. The property is owned by the petitioner in Westport, Jackson Township. Petition 2023-5 was approved.
Donnie Barber requested a “Variance” from the required 70’ front setback to a 40’ front setback to build a garage. The property sits on a hill and the spot they have picked for the garage is the only flat area. The road to the front of the property is a dead end, gravel road. The property is owned by the petitioner in Greensburg, Fugit Township. Petition 2023-6 was approved.
Roy Saylor requested the following variances to develop a twenty-one (21) lot subdivision west of 207 W Kentucky Ave, Westport in Sand Creek Township. 1. A “Variance” to not require sidewalks, 2. A “Variance” to not require curb & gutters along Kentucky Ave, and 3. A “Variance” to the 75’ minimum lot width specifically, Lot #7 and Lot #8 from 75’ to a width of 71.73’, and Lot #9 and Lot #10 from75’ to a width 70.78’. Petition 2023-7 was tabled for further information from the technical committee and the Westport Town Council.
Morgan Schofield
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