The Decatur County Commissioner meeting was held on January 21, 2025, at 8am.
The meeting began with the approval of the January 9, 2025 meeting minutes.
Todd Houk, Highway Department updated the Commissioners and said that they are doing survey work for the upcoming bridge work. His department also received training on accident forms. Todd said that the department continues to work to keep the roads clear. Todd announced that he is accepting stone, pipe, fuel, & asphalt at bids that will be due at the February Commissioners meeting.
Tim Kramer, Building Inspector provided an update and said that he has completed 18 inspections with 15 passing. He states that he has met with the Area Plan Commission Director, and they are working on getting the office moving smoothly. Tim spoke about outstanding inspections that have not been closed out and how he plans to handle those moving forward. The commissioners said that they are very happy with the work that Tim is doing and thanked him for all his work so far.
Minde Myers, Animal Control Director provided an update stating that she had two grants come in: 2024 Best Friends Animal Society $60,000 and Greater Good $1,000. Minde requested an increase for her credit card monthly spending limit to pay for spay & neuters. The commissioners asked that she research with the company that is doing the spay & neuters about doing a net 30 agreement. Minde informed the commissioners that the Shelter Veterinarian resigned at the end of 2024 due to personal reasons. Minde was very excited to announce that their save rate is now at 80.8%. For reference, in 2022 the save rate was 52.6%, and in 2023 it was 61.3%.
Sheriff Bill Meyerrose let the commissioners know that the truck that is going to the animal shelter is ready to be transferred and the truck being transferred for the Maintenance Director position is ready.
Rob Dehoff, Parks Department came to the commissioners to present a change order request from Astro Turf. The change request was to waive the $2,500 penalty if they are late completing the turf project. The commissioners stated that they were apprehensive approving this being 90 days out from the proposed date of completion. They asked Rob to let the company know that they are not denying the request, but they are asking to move forward, and this is something if needed it can be discussed at a later time.
Commissioner Jeremy Pasel stated that he and Rob had spoken about trying to get a 4-to-5-year commitment from the tournaments due to the costs that are being devoted to the project.
The commissioners approved the job description that was created for the Maintenance position. This position will be providing maintenance to the courthouse, animal shelter, annex, and Decatur County Highway Department.
Comcast came to the commissioners about the Broadband Equity Access Deployment Grant opportunity. This is a federal grant that will be awarded to expand and build broadband access to those addresses that currently do not have the opportunity for access. Comcast requested that the commissioners provide a letter of support. The commissioners thanked the gentleman and said that they would look over everything and follow up.
Dr. James Howell, Health Department Board President submitted a list of individuals that would make be great appointments to the Health Department Board. He recommended that they consider Dr. Anthony Noles as he is a local dentist that already devotes his expertise and time to serve the underserved and unserved. Currently the board has a veterinarian, doctor, nurse, and now would include a dentist. The commissioners voted to appoint Dr. Anthony Noles to the board.
Sean Durbin, Health Department Executive Director said that the warming shelter has been utilized and through partnerships that have been formed in the county they have been able to assist individuals into treatment, getting an apartment of their own, and providing a warm space with food. He thanked donors and volunteers for all of their hard work and dedication.
Bryan Robbins, Economic Development Director, stated that he attended a site selectors event recently. He said that there was a lot of talk about energy, and also trending projects such as cold storage and data centers. He reminded the commissioners about the February 26. 2025 Opportunity Expo at the Greensburg Fieldhouse. If you would like more information, please call 812-222-2520.
Dawn Lowe, Greensburg Decatur County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director stated that they have several events coming soon including a lunch and learn, Legislative Update that will be held on February 14, 2025, from 11:30a-1p which is a free opportunity and open to the public. However, food will be provided, and she asked that you register on the chamber’s website.