The meeting began with the approval of the January 21, 2025, meeting minutes, January 27, 2025, Executive Session meeting minutes, claims, and payroll claims.
Jeremy Pasel, Commissioner stated that soon all departments will receive fuel cards to get gas at the Decatur County Highway Department instead at local gas stations.
Todd Houk, Highway Department Superintendent stated that his department participated in gas pipeline training last week, and continuing maintenance work. Todd received approval to move forward with purchasing a new dump truck that would be replacing an early 1990’s model truck. The truck that is being replaced will be placed in the Owens Auction when it is at the Fairgrounds. The truck will cost $106,000 plus an expense of $6,000 for a paint job that will match the rest of the fleet. Todd informed the commissioner that this purchase was within his budgets. Todd presented roll over bids from Premier Ag and Globe Asphalt. Commissioners voted to not accept roll over bids and put these two items up for bidding to allow other contractors and businesses to compete for the business. The commissioners approved ATOM Chemical from the prior meeting for maintenance needs at the highway department. Todd received approval to host the Tree City Homeschoolers with a signed release. The commissioners and Todd spoke about creating a Capital Improvement Plan to plan for the expenses of replacing trucks.
Sheriff Bill Meyerrose received approval to amend his contract with Southern Health Partners Contract to remove the 4 hours per week that was allotted for mental health as they have hired a full time LCSW with the Lilly grant. The funds that were set aside for the 4-hour mental health will be placed in cost pool over runs.
Rob Dehoff, Parks Department requested for the commissioners to approve to move forward with completing turf on the back four diamonds. Rob stated that they were awarded $345,000 in ARPA funds and this could go towards the back four diamonds. Also, they could redirect funding that the RDC has allotted for the project. The cost to complete this part of the project would be $676,000. A representative from Astro Turf discussed financing options for the county to pay the difference, the commissioners requested that he send financing terms over for their review. The commissioners also encouraged Rob to speak with the Community Foundation and the City of Greensburg. Rob spoke about having 15 tournaments confirmed for this year. The commissioners discussed entering into an agreement with utrip for a period of 5 years to ensure revenue that will come in. Jeremy Pasel stated, “I am very intrigued about doing the back four diamonds, but we need to look at the different ways to ensure that it the project is paid for.” The commissioners did not vote, they instead asked for financial information so that they can conduct their due diligence before voting. Rob also received approval to spend $18,576 to install fencing around the fields.
Bryan Robbins, EDC Director received commissioner support for the Placemaking Activation Grant Program which is a project that the Stellar Team is applying for so that they can place a sign at photogenic areas in Decatur County. They will also create a map of the photogenic areas in the county.
Commissioners signed a letter of support for REMC for their application for the BEAD fiber project. The commissioners stated that over all REMC’s map of areas that they were going to work on included many areas that the Comcast request was lacking. Overall, the commissioners stated that it is their goal that every person in Decatur County have reliable high-speed internet and they felt that REMC was the right company to support to go after the BEAD program and funding. It was important that entities such as the commissioners only sign one letter of support for a company seeking the project funding.
Chris Stephen, City of Greensburg Attorney requested the signature of the Commissioners to finalize the survey for the jail site. This will allow for the city to finalize the documentation needed for the 2024 purchase from the city. Commissioners signed the survey.
Chris Stephen, City of Greensburg Attorney received Commissioners approval for the Walking Trail to cross over onto a small piece of county property and received approval that the small piece of land will continue to be a park.
Doug Westerfeld, Area Plan Director received the approval that he be the counties designated ADA Coordinator.
The commissioners approved that the vehicle being transferred from the Sheriff’s department to the Maintenance Department be outfitted with white and yellow lights for safety.
The commissioners voted to become Greensburg Decatur County Chamber of Commerce members. This will be a great opportunity to post county vacant positions on.
The commissioners approved the YMCA Roof Project Pay App #1 in the amount of $135,258.71. These funds are from an OCRA grant that the YMCA applied for and provided matching funds. The commissioners are the overseeing fiduciary agent on the grant.
The commissioners reminded the public that vehicle storage pick-up is scheduled for 3/8/25 from 7am until 12 pm.
The commissioners approved for the North Decatur FFA to use and return livestock pens from the fairgrounds for their annual petting zoo on February 20, 2025.
Jeremy Pasel asked Chad Smtih, County Attorney who was responsible for the hiring process to fill Philip Deiwert’s position. The attorney stated that the Tourism Board would be the one conducting and deciding on who they will hire.
Sherry, local Greensburg resident came to the commissioners to share her concerns with a Pitbull that lives in her neighborhood. She stated that it all began when she went into her own backyard to walk her dog in October 2024, and she noticed a Pitbull that didn’t seem right. She went to go back in the house, and she said that the Pitbull was able to grab her dog out of her arm and began to shake it. She called the police department and found out that another neighbor had the same concerns just approximately a week prior. She sent the dog’s owner a letter with her veterinary bills asking for reimbursement and was ignored. She took them to court and was awarded the amount plus $1,000 for negligence of the owner. She has been in contact with Minde Myers, Greensburg Decatur County Animal Shelter Director. On December 19th the dog attacked another dog in her neighborhood. She states that she and other neighbors have to carry their guns when they are out walking their dogs for their safety as they worry that the Pitbull may appear. Sherry explained that just recently she learned of an incident with the mailman and the Pitbull chasing him back into his truck. Sherry voiced concern that next time this could be a small child or anyone for that matter that could be bit.
Sherry read the current City of Greensburg ordinance and asked that this dog be considered aggressive. Commissioners pointed out that this is a city of Greensburg ordinance and that this was a county meeting. Sherry stated that she had went to the city to speak with the mayor concerning public safety but was told by the mayor’s secretary that the mayor couldn’t do anything and that she needs to talk to Minde and the commissioners. Chris Stephen, City Attorney stood to state that with this being a city ordinance it is not enforceable until the Animal Control Board unanimously votes to label this dog as an aggressive animal. Then the city will be able to enforce the ordinance and that would allow the Animal Control Officer to take possession of the animal. The commissioners showed concern that this matter has taken near 5 months to be taken care of. Minde told the commissioners that she just recently was able to work with counsel and have backing to take care of these issues and concerns. The commissioners requested that she have her board schedule an Animal Control Board Meeting asap before the normally scheduled meeting of February 11, 2025, so that this can be taken care of.
Minde Myers stated, “I have been dealing with the owner since I started in this position.” Her department has issued several running at large citations that have not been paid. At this time the owner has an outstanding bill of $350 with an additional $50 added from a running at large call that came in this weekend. Commissioners asked why no citations have been written in regard to the animal bite. Minde said it has been a learning curve and that her department is working to correct these things.
Gabe Nobbe, Commissioner asked if this is a running at large call can’t we just pick the animal up? Minde replied that per the city ordinance they do not chase running at large animals. She stated that she reaches out to dispatch, pd, and sheriff’s department to get the run information and issues a citation as needed. Chris Stephen stated that he had spoken with Minde when he was alerted to this situation a week ago that it might be a good idea for the city and Minde to review the Animal Control Ordinances.