The Decatur County Council met on Tuesday.
The parks department voted in an interim director for the rest of the 2021 year and are requesting to pay them $12,038.85 for their work in 2021 including back pay to August 21 when they began the job. The amended 144 for parks interim director was approved. The parks department also requested $14,765 for a new boiler due to the recent flooding damaging the old one. This will need to go before the commissioners.
The solid waste 2022 budget of $550,919 was approved.
The board discussed the 2022 County Budget. The budget needs cut at least $200,000 however they plan to use investments to make up for that money so that nothing gets cut down any further. This investment money can be approved as an additional in another meeting. One member of the board stated that they did not like the longevity pay that is in the Sheriff’s budget, as they feel as though it will open up a can of worms. The Sheriff stated that this is a career path builder as it offers an incentive to stay in the detention center. The commissioners will have the final say on this, as they will draft the ordinance that allows the longevity pay. The 2022 County Budget was approved 4-1.
All additionals and transfers were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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