Decatur County Memorial Hospital Board

The Decatur County Memorial Hospital Board met on Thursday.

There was a financial report given to the board. In the month of March, they had 72 admissions and the ambulance and well clinic were both slightly under budget. The salaries, wages, and employee benefits were favorable. This was approved.

Rex McKinney gave a CEO update. They had a class of 4 become certified medical assistants and they are looking forward to their training. The medical assistant program is successful and has received state funding. Quality metrics remain favorable and consistent as patients continue to favor their providers. There has been great leadership in shown in emergency departments. Received a new MRI imaging machine. The team is still training but equipment is up and running. They pride themselves on having good imaging technology, as a mammography machine was also added. The foundation gala went well and on May 14 they will hold the centennial event from 1-4 on the hospital campus. Inpatient volume has decreased. COVID has not been a factor until this past Monday.

The board approved the purchase of the old health Department Building. The Contract renewals and updates for diagnostic lab were approved. The Capital requests for a 64 slice CT scanner, roof maintenance, and cots were approved.

All appointments to the medical staff were approved. A clinical privilege was approved. All resignations from the medical staff were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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