From Brenden Bridges
On March 30, 2023, at 6pm, Decatur County and Greensburg residents will have a new program
for parents and guardians to attend that have individuals with intellectual disabilities. This
program will offer many opportunities for families to learn what is available in not only our
community but in the state for family members that have special needs.
This parent group will be held every month and will feature speakers from not only our
community, but the state on how families can learn what is available. Our goal is to educate
and provide information for families that maybe struggling to find what opportunities are
Another benefit we are looking at for this program is for families to share their experience and
possible struggles they are facing daily. We welcome families to share their experiences and
educating other families what might help them.
The first meeting will be held at the First Baptist Church located at 209 W Washington St, in
Greensburg, In., in the Family Life Center room. If you plan to attend, we ask that you please
RSVP, so that we have enough refreshments available. We will provide childcare during the
meeting, so we will need to know the number of children attending.
The March meeting will feature members of Decatur County ARC. They will explain what ARC
offers and resources that maybe available locally and at the state level.
You can RSVP by contacting Brendan Bridges at 812.614.1034 or or Alyson Bridges at 765.561.3207 or