The Greensburg Area Plan Commission met on Tuesday.
The board held the election of officers. They are as follow: President- Kevin Fleetwood, Vice President- Mark Burkhart, and Secretary- Amber Coin.
There was a public hearing on the recommendation to City Council for rezoning of property located North of Veterans Way and East of Smith Rd., from an “R-1” Residential District to an “R-2” One or Two Family Residential District. There was no public comment.
The board approved the recommendation to City Council for rezoning of property located North of Veterans Way and East of Smith Rd., from an “R-1” Residential District to an “R-2” One or Two Family Residential District. There was a concern expressed on the cul-de-sac size and entrances/exits to the area in relation to how school buses could get in and out.
Morgan Schofield
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