The Greensburg Board of Aviation Commissioners met on Thursday.
There was a financial report given to the board. The total for all 3 accounts is $ 759,115.59.
Paul Shaffer with BF&S gave a construction update. The end date is in sight and is planned for the end of August. The surface paving on the runway should be done by the end of June, with the grooves and paint done at the end of July, as recommended. The start date for this construction is April 13, weather permitting. AIP 16 partial pay request 18 was approved. AIP 20 partial pay request 9 for $206,435 was approved. The contactor’s progress estimate 2 was approved.
Don Tribbett gave an update on land acquisition. The attorney for the Robbins Trust Litigation said that they would be willing to settle the litigation for $75,000. This was approved 4-1.
The bills were approved.
Morgan Schofield
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