Leising celebrates National Agriculture Day
STATEHOUSE (March 22, 2022) — State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) recognizes today, March 22, as National Agriculture Day, which celebrates the importance of agriculture in Indiana and nationwide.
As chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Leising understands the vital impact farmers have on Indiana. Indiana is the tenth largest farming state in the nation and agriculture contributes an estimated $31.2 billion to the state’s economy. This day presents an opportunity to recognize those that contribute to making this impact.
“With more than 80% of Indiana’s land devoted to farms, forests and woodlands, agriculture is instrumental in our state, and we need to take time to celebrate those that help it thrive,” Leising said. “I would like to thank the farmers and all of those in the industry for all they do to continue advancing agriculture and agribusiness in Indiana.”
To learn more about agriculture in Indiana, visit in.gov/isda.