Update from State Senator Jean Leising

I filed my first bill of the 2023 legislative session at the Statehouse last week. 

As a strong proponent of cursive writing education, I was proud to file a bill to require public, charter and private Indiana schools to teach their students cursive writing as part of the curriculum. 

There are many professional and adult responsibilities that require people to know how to write in cursive, including signing a lease and reading legal documents in cursive. This is why it is important for every child to have the opportunity to learn calligraphy and successfully navigate their future as a result. 

To follow bills as they pass through the legislative process, view vote counts and agendas, and watch live streams, visit iga.in.gov.
Public Input Sought for Drainage Task Force Meeting
The Drainage Task Force is seeking public input to discuss state drainage laws and how they affect the agriculture industry. 

The task force is responsible for reviewing drainage laws, making determinations and recommendations concerning drainage and regulatory matters, and determining whether the balance between state and local authority over agricultural land drainage favors state authority more in Indiana than in neighboring states. 

The task force will meet at the Indiana Statehouse in the Senate Chamber on Wednesday, Dec. 21, at noon. There will be a period for public comment and discussion following presentations. 

Many Indiana residents attended last month’s meeting to discuss our state’s current land drainage laws, and their input was very beneficial in helping task force members pinpoint where issues may be stemming from. As chair of the task force, I highly encourage those interested in contributing to the discussion to attend this meeting to express their concerns. 

Those who cannot attend can submit public comment by contacting me at Senator.Leising@iga.in.gov or 317-232-9493 and stream the meeting online at iga.in.gov
2023 Senate Committee Assignments
Committees serve an important role in the legislative process. These meetings allow us to discuss and amend bills with input from our fellow legislators, members of the public and subject-matter experts before they move to the full Senate floor. 

This year I am serving on the following Senate committees:
Agriculture, chair;Commerce and Technology;Education and Career Development;Health and Provider Services;Natural Resources, ranking member; andUtilities.I am pleased to have the opportunity to continue serving as chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture. I have heard from experts and Indiana residents who have provided insight on issues facing the agricultural community, which is why I look forward to addressing these concerns and strengthening our state’s agricultural environment during the legislative session. 
To view committee agendas and stream hearings online, visit iga.in.gov. Legislative calendars, vote tallies and proposed legislation can also be found on this site. 

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