Westport Town Council

Westport Town Council met on Monday.

The council signed the funeral deeds, payroll vouchers, adjustments, and monthly bills.

There was a public hearing on a condemned property. This property has fallen into disrepair due to an illness in the family and they are now making an effort to ensure the building stays in tact. They have almost completely removed all hazardous materials either by haul removal or by approved burning. This removal has helped with the vermin problem as well and all entrances have had proper locks installed. They are trying to fix and preserve the property as it is one of the first properties built in Westport. The council recognizes that a lot of work has been done and they thank them for that, however are worried that the building is past the point of safety and repair. Their main concern is the structural integrity of the building. The council would take into consideration a positive recommendation from a contractor and have approved for this to be revisited after an inspection between now and March 31.

Resolution 2023-2 for fund transfers was approved. This is to balance out line items on the 2022 budget before it is submitted. Resolution 2023-3, for the rainy day fund, was approved. This is to transfer 15% of excess in general fund funds in order to retain the money for spending when needed.

Ordinance 2023-2, for cross correction, was approved. This is to provide a program for protecting the public water supply from back-flow contaminants. It would allow Westport water to do inspections on any property served on the public water system in Westport.

Ordinance 2023-1 for the community building and community building board, was approved. This allows for the Westport Town Council to run the community building in the towns best interest. This includes a board appointed by the council with 4 year terms. This board would ensure the building be inclusive and active in the community. They will also give a budget to the board annually as well as tour annually and report all maintenance to the town council to be taken care of. By taking over this asset, they will have more resources and insurance at their disposal to ensure the community building is still there for the future and is used for its intended purpose. The want to ensure everybody is on an even playing field and be better with communication through this process and change. The passion for the building is still there and they hope for it to continue on as long as the community building is still standing.

Morgan Schofield


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