Coaches vs. Cancer at North Decatur basketball game

Monday, January 20, 2025
7:30 PM
North Decatur High Schoolvs* Edinburgh Schools
Game Recap
Basketball The Coaches vs. Cancer (CvC) program is a nationwide collaboration between the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC). Since 1993, this initiative has leveraged the personal experiences, community leadership, and professional excellence of coaches nationwide to increase cancer awareness and promote healthy living through year-round awareness efforts, fundraising activities, and advocacy programs. Several Charger fans were recognized for battling cancer.
North jumped out early in the contest with a 16-5 start in the 1st quarter of play and while the offense sputterred in the 2nd quarter, the defense continued to lock down on the Lancer shooters. The Chargers went into the break ahead 25-7.
The Lady Chargers would outscore the Lancers by nearly the same margin in the second half 30-7 to put away Edinburgh for their 13th win of the season.
Allen 12 points
Kinker 11 points
Jo Whitaker 9 points
Thackery 4 points
Ally Whitaker 4 points
Moeller 4 points
Verseman 4 points
Haley 3 points
Schoettmer 2 points
White 2 points
FT: ND 10/15, ED 3/6
The Chargers will host Milan on Thursday 1/23 for Senior Night. JV tip is set for 6 PM. Senior activities will take place at halftime of the varsity game.

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