On April 9, 2021, a warrant was served in the Bartholomew County Jail on inmate James Paul
Snodgrass, 65, Edinburgh, for battery resulting in bodily injury to a law enforcement officer –
Level 5 felony.
On March 16, 2021, approximately 4:40 p.m., Correctional Officers were completing tray pass
when Snodgrass became unruly. As officers entered his cell, Snodgrass became extremely
combative and began striking both officers. Both received medical treatment for their injuries.
“Correctional Officers are responsible for enforcing rules and regulations in BCJ”. “It is their
job to oversee individuals who have been arrested and who are awaiting trial or who have been
sentenced to serve time in jail and this is an extremely serious offence”, said Bartholomew
County Sheriff Matthew A. Myers. “Battery on any BCSO law enforcement officer will not be
tolerated and any person doing so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”. “My
number one priority in BCJ is to keep inmates safe and my employees safe so that they can
return home to their families safe and healthy”, added Sheriff Myers.
Sheriff Myers complimented the Bartholomew County Prosecutor’s Office for working
diligently on this arrest and filing formal charges on Friday, April 9, 2021.
“Our Correctional Officers are not going to be kicked, spat on and beaten up on in any way”. “I
would not allow jail staff to treat our inmates disrespectfully and staff will be treated
disrespectfully by our inmates”, said Bartholomew County Jail Commander, Major John
Snodgrass was being held in the Bartholomew County Jail on multiple charges. Bond for the
March 16 incident is set at $100,000.
All persons are considered innocent until/unless proven guilty in a court of law.