Three new Broadband Ready Communities

Lt. Gov. Crouch, Indiana Broadband Office designates three new Broadband Ready Communities

INDIANAPOLIS – Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, the Indiana Broadband Office (IBO) and the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) announce Jennings County, the Town of Vernon and the City of North Vernon as the newest Broadband Ready Communities. 

“I am inspired by the commitment Jennings County as well as the City of North Vernon and the Town of Vernon are making towards broadband readiness,” says Crouch, Indiana’s Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development. “Local leaders in these three communities are investing and prioritizing in their residents and businesses now and for the future. Congratulations to you all!”  

The Broadband Ready Communities Program was created as a tool to encourage broadband development throughout Indiana. The Broadband Ready Community certification sends a signal to the telecommunication industry that a community has taken steps to reduce barriers to broadband infrastructure investment.   

The certification was approved by IBO and OCRA following Jennings County, the Town of Vernon and the Town of North Vernon’s each individual adoption of Broadband Ready Community ordinances.

“We truly understand the value of broadband for a community. Our goal is to let broadband providers know that our communities welcome more investment to increase access and affordability of high-speed internet. Broadband will give rural citizens access to important updates from government agencies and emergency notifications in our area. This information will be done in real-time using a broadband network,” says leadership from each community in a joint comment. (Jennings County Commissioners Matt Sporleder, Robert Willhite and Shane Boswell. Mayor Wayne Zemora of Vernon and Mayor Mike Ochs of North Vernon)

Earnie Holtrey, Deputy Director at the Indiana Broadband Office, congratulates the three Broadband Ready Communities for their individual community as well as unified efforts in expanding accessibility to broadband in 2023.  

“IBO is thrilled to welcome these three new communities to the growing list of BBRC across the state. Jennings County as well as the City of North Vernon and the Town of Vernon is taking a critical step in accessibility and connectivity for their communities across the region and the state of Indiana,” says Holtrey.

To-date, 85 communities across the state are now BBRC.

“Every day Hoosiers come together to positively impact their communities, and we are proud to be a part of this growth in broadband specifically. This is an incredible achievement for our BBRC program. Congratulations to all three communities” says OCRA Executive Director Denny Spinner. 

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