Decatur County Sheriff’s Department death investigation

Death Investigation

On 12/09/2022, at 6:00pm, the Decatur County Communications Center received
a report of a possible deceased male. The complainant stated while doing a welfare
check on a friend (at the friend’s residence) he found the friend deceased.
Decatur County Deputies arrived at the residence at approximately 6:16pm. The
male was located lying on the bed in the bedroom of the residence. Decatur County
Coroner Doug Banks was called, and an investigation was conducted. The victim ,
Michael Adams (48 years of age), died of a single gunshot wound to the chest. The
investigation is ongoing.
Assisting Decatur County Deputies were the Decatur County Coroner’s Office,
Decatur County Communications Center, Clarksburg Volunteer Fire Department,
Anderson Township (Rush County) Volunteer Fire Department, and the Decatur County
Prosecutor’s Office.

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