The Decatur County Board of Zoning Appeals met on Wednesday.
Kurt Comer with Nutrien requested a variance in an I-1 zoning classification for a required side setback of 60’ to be 35’ and a nearest residence to the road from a required 600’ to 295’. This is for an office building that is working off of existing infrastructure. The neighbor has no issues with these setbacks. The property is owned by Nutrien Ag in Greensburg, Washington Township. Petition 2022-1 was approved.
Open Road Renewable LLC/ Ice Miller LLP requested a special exception in an A-1 zoning classification for the construction of a Battery Energy Storage System facility. This system stores electricity in banks of batteries to help the system of the electrical grid. It helps to maximize the existing infrastructure while meeting the needs of the future. This project can help limit the amount of rolling blackouts in Indiana by helping to regulate and stabilize the grid. They plan to have vegetative screening to shield the project from the road and property owners. The batteries used a re a form of lithium battery that can withstand higher temperatures and have a lifespan of over ten years. The board would like to see the special exception be limited to the 15 acres being used for the project rather than the entire property. The property is owned by Elaine and Robert Vollmer in Greensburg, Adams Township. Petition 2022-7 was tabled for further review.
Steve Ruble with Strand Associates for the Decatur County Board of Commissioners requested the following for the new highway Department:
A “Special Exception” as provided in Decatur County Subdivision Control Ordinance #320 to NOT include any fire hydrants at the proposed site
B A “Variance” as provided in Decatur County Zoning Ordinance #2270 put up a Chain Link Fence with a height greater than 6 feet
C A “Variance” as provided in Decatur County Zoning Ordinance #2255 to NOT provide trash or loading dock enclosure or screening
D A “Variance” as provided in Decatur County Zoning Ordinance #2210 to allow a gravel surface in the Material Storage Yard
E A “Variance” as provided in Decatur County Zoning Ordinance #2265 to provide NO buffer yard on the South, West and North side of the property
Petition 2022-8 was approved.
Justin M. Gifford for Robin Carmer of Hillbilly Corner requested a special exception in an A-1/A-2 zoning classification to run a farmer’s market and sell flowers, produce from their farm and other local growers, ice cream, and cold cuts and cheeses. The board appreciates what Carmer is doing for this area and their main concern now is convenance. The special exception would limit any future property owners, as it only applies to Carmer as the property owner. One neighbor did have a concern of expansion, as the business originally started as just produce but now has expanded to cold cuts, ice cream, and flowers and they worry for what could be added next. Another neighbor wants limitations put on for hours of operation. The board agreed on a 5 year special exception, that way if any nuisances happen they can be reviewed, that the store will not be open on Sundays, the exception stays with the current property owners, and they can not open before 10 am or be open later than 10 pm. The property is owned by Tim Callahan in Greensburg, Clay Township. Petition 2022-9 was approved.
Morgan Schofield
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