Decatur County Commissioner Meeting- 10/7/24

The Decatur County Commissioners held their meeting on October 7, 2024, at 6 pm.

The meeting began with the approval of the September 16, 2024, meeting minutes, and the Executive Session held on October 2, 2024, meeting minutes, and payroll.

Jeremy Pasel did state that the only question he had was in reference to a Lowe’s Pellet claim, he would like to get more clarification on the costs that were associated with the farm animals that were removed by Animal Control. The claims were approved.

Todd Houk, Highway Department provided an update to the commissioners. He states that the department continues to perform vegetative maintenance, bridge maintenance, road patching, and milling & patching. Todd said that 3 of the 4 entry level employees that have went through the CDL Drivers training has successfully received their CDL. He states that he has one more currently going through the course. Todd spoke about the Park Road Phase 1 Project and stated that the current plan is for work to be 2027 or 2028. Todd asked for approval to work with Chad Smith on an agreement for the city to provide snow plowing and mowing as the county doesn’t have the equipment that is needed. Jeremy Pasel said that they received an email about drop off concerns on 500N. Todd let him know that O’Mara will be starting to construct stone shoulders beginning later this month on all roadways that they worked on this year.

The commissioners unanimously approved an ordinance for adding stop signs making the intersection a 3-way stop to be implemented at 200 W and Park Rd. It was stated that the ordinance was due to ensuring safety.

Kenny Beuning, Building Inspector was absent from the meeting but provided an update to Mark Koors. Mark read from that update and stated since the last meeting Kenny has completed 66 inspections, 16 new permits, and 1 permit renewal. He stated that he has visited Burney stating that some homes have been removed, some are in the process of being demoed, and those who have taken no action will be handed off to Chad Smith for legal follow-up.

Krista Duvall, Area Plan Director came to the commissioners and received approval for two variances.

*2024-8 2.99 acres being rezoned from A1-A2 to build a single-family dwelling home.

*2024-16 2.456 acres being rezoned from A1-A2 to build a single-family dwelling home.

Minde Myers, Animal Control was on the agenda but was unable to attend and let the commissioners know she will be at the next commissioner meeting.

Rob Dehoff, Parks & Rec came to the commissioners to provide an update on plans for the baseball diamonds. He states that ARPA has agreed to give $450,000 towards the project. However, this is pending county council approval for the reappropriations for the funds. Rob states that the Parks & Recreation Department plans to cover the remaining costs for the Turf Project. With this project the in fields will be turf with the outfields being dirt. Rob states that having fields that are marketable to tournaments we can see income that will make the park self-sustaining. Rob provided investment estimates with a $950,000 investment they will have their Return On Investment within 5.5 years. The life span of turf is 10-15 years if it is properly maintained. Rob added that the current fields are in despair and would require funding to get them up to being playable due to lack of maintenance. He added that a huge positive for turf is that the turf dries within 15-20 minutes and can be playable after a rainstorm. Jeremy Pasel stated, “I think this is a good thing, and I think it is a good investment.” Tony Blodgett said, “When Rob first came to me, I was an absolute no on the project but the more I have spoken to him and looked at the project the more it makes sense and is a good plan.” The commissioners provided support for Rob to move forward with the project.

The commissioners approved Ellerman Roof’s bid for $24,000 to re-shingle the remaining portion of the courthouse roof.

Bryan Robbins, EDC provided an update on READI 2.0 funds stating that they are waiting for the release of the funds which includes the Fairgrounds project.

A concerned citizen living on Millhousen Road is concerned because the bridge decking that was recently completed by the Highway Department has ditching but the water continues to stay on the roadway because the roadsides are not cut currently to drain into the ditch. She also has concerns that they need an approach to be put in, so they do not tear the sides up with their equipment entering and exiting their farm. Todd said that they would investigate this and make changes as needed.

The meeting was adjourned.

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