The Decatur County Commissioners met on Monday.
Todd Houk gave an update on the highway department. The pay application for Strand Associates for the county Highway Department was approved. They met and discussed a road that needed to be widened due to trucks and other traffic. This road has now been widened to 24 feet. Five trees were removed at the fairgrounds for the highway department construction. Bridge 73 is nearly complete with piping and road alignment now being done. Three pieces of equipment were approved to be advertised.
Kenny Buening gave an update. There have been 61 building inspections, 21 new building permits, 4 permit renewals, 2 complaints- one for building without a permit which was proved to be just replacing siding and one for junk cars, and 1 red tag. They have contacted the owner of the burnt house who is planning to get the demolition permit needed to take care of it.
Bryan Robbins came to the board to discuss the creation of a Regional Development Authority. The READI grant money is currently being channeled through the Decatur County Community Foundation and while they appreciate all that they do and have done a great job, they feel it is time for the money to be in the control of a more regional group. This will go to be approved by the Decatur County Council.
Steve Ruble opened 4 bids for the water line extension to the new county highway department. This will start at the animal shelter and go to the department. These bids will be reviewed and will be selected at the next commissioners meeting on November 21.
The commissioners opened the 3 bids received for the janitorial services of the county. This will be for multiple county buildings. The bids are under review and will be selected at the next commissioners meeting on November 21.
The board approved the power washing of the exterior of the courthouse. This will take 4-5 days and they hope to start on Friday when the courthouse is closed.
The 2023 meeting schedule was discussed. The meeting for January will be held on the 3 and 17, with the following meetings throughout the year being on the first and third Mondays of each month. The board plans to look into scheduling a quarterly evening meeting as well. This was approved.
The 2023 payroll schedule was approved. The 2023 claims schedule was approved.
The board approved a contract with Context Design for $16,200 from ARPA funds. This is in order to put together a 5-10 year plan on how to best situate the fairgrounds and surrounding areas for the future.
The board approved the bid from Smith and Bell Clock for $41,363 to repair and rejuvenate the courthouse clock.
The board approved for 8 violin students to come and play Christmas music for each of the offices.
Morgan Schofield
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