The Decatur County Commissioners met on July 15, 2024, at 8 am.
The meeting began with the approval of the July 1, 2024, meeting minutes, claims, and payroll claims.
Todd Houk, Highway Department provided an update. The department continues to perform general maintenance throughout the county. He also said that they are currently performing some repairs on a bridge on 225 East. He said that they have contracted with a tree trimming company that will be performing work throughout the county. Globe Asphalt has agreed to rollover their bid from the previous year. Todd received approval to update the INDOT Contract Resolution to include his name so that he will have the ability to e-sign needed documents.
Kenny Beuning, Building Inspector provided an update. Since the last commissioners meeting, he has issued 36 building inspections, 11 permits issued, and 2 permit renewals. He did receive two complaints, both properties being properties that have been of concern in the past. Kenny said he will go visit the properties and look. He sent a letter to a multi-unit property in Westport about violations.
Krista Duvall, Area plan received approvals on the following ordinances
The commissioners received quotes to replace the broken-down HVAC at the Annex. The quotes were: Koors Heating & Cooling: $41,545, Wallpe $33,099, and Stiers $47,897. The commissioners decided that they are going to go back to these vendors and get a quote of the cost to completely replace all the HVAC throughout the Annex. No bid was accepted.
The commissioners agreed to hire Baker Tilly to perform the County Financial Review. They have decided to go with the $35,000 option. ARPA has agreed to pay $30,000 and they would use county funds for $5,000. This includes the five-year plan included.
Safe Streets 4 All will cost approximately $34,553.48 which will be broken down between the county and the city. They have agreed to move forward with the process.
The Fletcher Power Road Use Agreement and Decommissioning Agreement was approved.
The Decatur County Visitors Center received approval for alcohol sales during the three remaining Summer Concert Series. Tree City Brewery is the approved vendor.
The meeting was adjourned.