Decatur County Commissioners Meeting- 9/16/24

Commissioners met on September 16, 2024, at 8 am.

The meeting began with the approval of the September 3rd meeting minutes, claims, and payroll claims.

Todd Houk, Highway Department stated that his department continues to do routine vegetation, sign, and bridge maintenance throughout the county. He said that Globe Asphalt has completed quite a bit of the CCMG project. He mentioned Hwy 421 work that is being completed by INDOT near their office.

Kenny Beuning, Building Inspector said that since the last commissioners meeting, he has completed 38 building inspections/plan permits, 8 new permits, and 2 red tags. After inspection and notification, the 2 red tags have been resolved. Kenny said that he spoke with the Smith property owners about clean-up. Kenny told her that cleanup is occurring but that things need to be sped up. Kenny said that the owner would be doing something because they didn’t want this going to court. Kenny said that he has been very busy and hasn’t been back to Burney but that he would be going out in the next week or so.

Minde Myers, Animal Control Director came to the meeting and requested approval for use of the grassy parking area beside her shelter to be used for Tripp’s Trunk or Treat on October 19th. A copy of the Friends of the Greensburg & Decatur County Animal Shelter’s insurance was sent to HR. The commissioners approved this request. Minde updated the commissioners on what her board and she discussed. They decided that the Animal Control Officer would be on call Tuesday-Friday 4p-8p and Saturday 2p-8p. The Animal Control Officer will be paid $3 for each on call hour. Also, the ACO will have a 2-hour allowed response time. Commissioner Tony Blodgett asked for a broken-down number of Animal Control runs to include which cities. Commissioner Blodgett also said that he is looking into Ordinances in the County vs. City.

The commissioners approved Wallpe Heating & Cooling to be awarded the Annex HVAC Project. The cost of the project is $188,644.00. The original scope of work was for moving all air conditioner units to the ground and Option 2 was just moving half of them to the ground. Wallpe Heating & Cooling provided a third option which was to leave all the air conditioning units where they are. The commissioners stated that Stier Heating & Cooling was disqualified because they did not include their insurance certificate with their bid. Jeremy made a motion to award the contract to Wallpe Heating & Cooling, Option #3, and Tony seconded the motion adding that he was approving Option 2 as it was considerably cheaper than what Koors Heating & Cooling bid was for the same comparable work but that he was in agreeance they would go with Option #3. This was because leaving the units on the roof was not in the scope of work. A representative from Koors Heating & Cooling was in the room and asked, “So we’re going against the scope of work?” Tony Blodgett explained why he motioned the way he did that he was going off Option 2 which was included in the scope of work with the understanding that they would do Option 3.

Bryan Robbins, Economic Development Corporation stated that he just returned from the Midwest Japan Conference in Ohio. He also said that the Fairground funding from READI 2.0 could be released soon.

Dawn Lowe, Greensburg & Decatur County Chamber of Commerce said that The Alley 1822 would hold their Ribbon Cutting on Wednesday September 18, 2024, 4p-6p. She also wanted to remind everyone that their next HR Power hour is scheduled for September 26, 2024.

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