Decatur County Community School Board of Trustees Meeting- 6/12/24

The Decatur County Community Schools Board of Trustees met on June 12, 2024, at 6:00 pm. 

The meeting began with the approval of the minutes from their regular meeting on May 8, 2024. The board approved the payment of claims and payroll. 

The board approved 3 resignations, 1 retirement, 1 leave, 10 appointments, and 19 summer help staff. 

Dr. Burns introduced the attendees to the newly hired South Decatur Jr.-Sr. High School Principal Amy Cockburn. Amy stood and thanked the board and said that she enjoyed the interview process and that it was fun. She mentioned the community and the size of it was a deciding factor for the position. She said that she is excited to get working. The board welcomed her to Decatur County Schools. 

The board approved the 2024-2025 Meal and milk prices. The only increase was milk rising from $0.30 to $0.40. Superintendent Dr. Burns said that the state’s calculation for the 2024-2025 school year was to raise lunch prices by $0.60. He complimented staff as they filed an exemption and was granted that exemption not to raise food prices during the 2024-2025 school year. Dr. Burns said that this exemption is only good for one year and that we may see increases for the next school year. 

Dr. Burns provided a first reading of the NEOLA Policy Updates. 

The board voted to approve the resolution in support of military families.

The board approved 2 fundraisers, and tabled a third pending further steps needing to be completed before approval is given. 

The board approved 7 donations throughout the district with a combined total of $8,856.61. Of that amount, Westport Baptist Church donated $8,000 to South Decatur Elementary School for the Back Sack Program. 

The board approved the disposal of obsolete equipment which included a typewriter, old textbooks, a fax machine, and an electric calculator.

The meeting was adjourned. 

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