The Decatur County Council met on Tuesday.
Janet Chadwell requested an executive session to discuss happenings in their office. This was approved.
Treasurer Diane Wenning gave an update on investments for December. In December they made $88,000 in investments.
The board approved the additionals. The board approved the transfers.
Sheriff Meyerrose discussed the purchase of body cams. The commissioners approved for them to purchase body cams for $119,000 that will arrive in March. This is payable over 5 years and they have received 1 grant to help fund this and applied for 2 more.
NIPRO requested a 7 year abatement for their expansion. The typical abatement time frame is 5 years, however the county will be expanded their water line to the site to allow NIPRO to hook on for fire safety capabilities. This is due to Westport water not currently being able to support a fire safety water system. This was approved with 1 abstaining.
Morgan Schofield
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