The Decatur County Commissioners met on Tuesday.
Todd Houk gave an update on the highway department. They have submitted and uploaded all of the Community Crossing Grants to INDOT. They are currently working on submitting 12 bridges for the preventive bridge maintenance grants. These take time as they have to submit each bridge individually with a scope and detailed estimate. There was a request for $14,400 to help with the funding of the applications. This was approved. There were 3 invoices received. 1 was for the waterline for $5,855.28 and the other 2 were for the final design of the county highway department. All 3 were approved.
Kenny Buening gave an update. There have been 32 inspections, 8 new building permits, and no red tags. There was one complaint on a person supposedly living in a garage that will be investigated.
Sheriff Meyerrose gave an update on the commissary account for January. As of January 1 they had $19,428 which has not raised to $19,993. There was 1 car purchased in December that was paid for this month out of commissary. The sheriff requested to purchase body cameras. They received three quotes for this project- 1 for body cameras at $119,000, one for dash cameras for $123,000, and one for dash cameras with a license plate reader for $170,000. The quotes received were agreed to be held until January 31 due to the change of administration within the department. This would be paid for over the course of 5 years. The board approved the body cams at $119,000. The board did not approve the dash cam requests. The sheriff requested to purchase 4 vehicles out of the cumulative capital fund. This is to replace vehicles in the fleet that are reaching higher mileage. The board approved for 3 vehicles to be paid for out of cumulative cap and one to be paid for out of commissary. This is due to the fund having $180,000 and those funds are budgeted not only for sheriff vehicle purchases but the whole county vehicle purchases for the year.
There will be 4 commissioners meetings at 6 pm in 2023: March 6, June 5, September 5, and December 4.
Morgan Schofield
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