Greensburg Board of Aviation Commissioners

The Greensburg Board of Aviation Commissioners met on Thursday.

There was a financial report given to the board. The total for all accounts is $585,345.61.

John Fiester with BF&S gave a construction update. Since the last meeting a lot has been completed at the airport. The base of the asphalt is completely paved out and they will soon be doing a surface asphalt test strip. If the test goes well then the last 2 inches of asphalt will be added. Once that it done it will need to set for 30 days before grooves are cut and paint is added. There was a small piece of pavement added off of the taxiway so that aircraft can make a right hand turn if needed. AIP 20 FAA Partial Pay Request 14 for $602,091.72 was approved. AIP 21 FAA Partial Pay Request 6 for $308,464.22 was approved. The credit memo for AIP 21 in the amount of $1,535.02 was approved. The contractors progress estimate 6 for Dave O’Mara in the amount of $929,959.81 was approved. Amendment 1 for BF&S for the inspection agreement for the paving and lighting project was approved.

They are still working on the budget proposal for 2024.

Airport Manager Jerry Scheidler gave an update. For the first time in the 40 years they’ve worked there they had vandal problems at the airport. They have gotten quotes from insurance for doors and other damaged property. Tenants have become worried about security and have made some suggestions on what can be done. One idea is adding more lighting such as floodlights. Another idea is adding deadbolts to their hangar doors. If fiber internet were ever added to the airport, they would be able to support security systems and cameras.

John Fiester and Don Tribbet discussed hangar construction options for the board. This construction can happen one of two ways: either the airport builds them or they allow for private builds. There are several options for financing these hangars, which will be further looked into by the board. There are a lot of factors to be considered with the construction such as design, build, and maintenance such as snow removal. There are being a lot of requests made for hangars, some of varying sizes. The board did ask if they can specify that all construction must go through BF&S. They would be able to specify this in the contract.

The bills were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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