Greensburg City Council met on Tuesday.
Ordinance 2023- 05 for annexation was presented. This was approved with a favorable recommendation from the plan commission.
City Engineer Ron May presented Ordinance 2023- 06 for vacation of an alley for First Christian Church. The church sent representatives to answer any board questions. The only question the council has was if they were planning on blocking off the entrance. They do not plan to close the entrance as their overall goal is to widen the opening and restructure the parking. They have no problem with neighbors continuing to use it as a cut through. This was approved on first reading.
City Clerk-Treasurer Amy Borns presented Ordnance 2023-08 for an additional appropriation for airport operations. The board purchased a large mower for the airport and this is in their funds to pay for it. This was approved.
Veridus Group gave the monthly update on the Municipal Complex Project. The North tobacco barn has been fully demolished and the topsoil on the site is stripped. Both pads are on schedule and the retention pond excavation has begun. They are digging footers for the Fire Station and aiming for July for the structural steel. They plan to mobilize for the Street Department at the end of the month and are starting foundation work in July. There was a drone video presented to show the progress at the site.
Greensburg/Decatur County EDC Director Bryan Robbins presented tax abatements. It was recommended that abatements 2020-4 and 2020-10 be tabled for reapplication for further information. This was approved. The remaining abatements were approved for reapplication. There was a discussion on the Private/Public partnership with Main Street Greensburg. This addresses the dilapidated 132 N Franklin property on the square. The building has no been open since 2013, was condemned in the last couple of years, and the owner has no desire to develop the property. They have an opportunity to develop the Preserve Mainstreet project with READI funding to revamp and renovate the building. This would help save the historic building built by Colonel John Wilder and would be a $3 million investment to downtown. This agreement with the developer would help leverage $2.5 million in downtown streetscape funds and would maximize ARPA federal dollars. The current owners have agreed to sign over the property to Mainstreet and all city funding would go there as well. The structural improvements will begin immediately and the plan is to keep the first floor commercial and the second floor apartments. This was approved.
City Clerk-Treasurer Amy Borns discussed the closure of a bank account. This was an account created for the city hall renovations. The account currently has $29 which will be transferred to another fund. This was approved.
City Engineer Ron May presented Resolution 2023-06 to amend Redevelopment Commission project list. This was approved.
Mayor Josh Marsh presented Resolution 2023-07 for Annual Reporting Requirement for Redevelopment Commission. This was approved. The council appointed Ken Dornich to the Plan Commission. The Yodel Community Calendar was presented.
Morgan Schofield
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