Greensburg Redevelopment Commission

The Greensburg Redevelopment Commission met on Thursday.

Clerk Treasurer Amy Borns presented the new financial reports. These are set up differently than the old reports and will take some getting used to for the board, however they hope and plan for this to be the report set up from now on. This is from a new system they are working with and will continue to develop and refine these reports.

City Engineer Ron May came to the board to discuss the offering of remaining property for sale. There were 3 parcels along Veterans Way that had been up for bid and no bids were received. This means that they may now do negotiations with interested parties. There are 2 parcels remaining and for sale. Both parcels have been appraised and the appraisals are current. It was recommended that the board open these parcels up for a public bid. This was tabled for review. There was a status update given on the Veterans Way residential project. The project has seen movement in the last month and they are now in the sign off phase to begin the project. They are hoping to be able to get everything signed off in May and the developer can then get to work.

The claims were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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