Library Ribbon Cutting Planned for September 7th

The Greensburg Decatur County Public Library has been undergoing renovations since August 2023. We are happy to announce that they have been completed! We are having a Ribbon Cutting on Saturday, September 7th, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to celebrate and show the community our upgrades. Come celebrate our NEW Patio and interior renovations! There will be food and fun for all ages!

Popcorn, Hot Dogs, Balloon Animals by The Talented Twisters, Face Painting, Outdoor games, Cotton Candy, a Bubble Machine, and Music from Kit Haymond will make for an exciting and fulfilling day! Remember to bring your own chair or blanket.


The Greensburg-Decatur County Public Library is committed to serving the public by providing for the lifelong informational, educational, recreational and cultural needs of the community.

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