Structure fire in Westport

Here’s Westport Fire Chief Jay Maddux

9/29/2033 – posted by the Letts Fire Department

At approximately 1845 The Letts Fire Dept. was automatically dispatched with Westport Fire to a reported structure fire in the 300 block of Sycamore St. Initial crews arrived to a house with heavy black smoke throughout. Residents were not in the house at the time of the fire. Letts responded with Ladder 450, Rescue 460, Tankers 440 and 444, Utility 462, Medic 442, and Ambulance 445. Crews from 5 different departments worked for several hours to extinguish the fire and to overhaul. Assisting on scene Letts Fire, Westport Fire, Marion Township Fire, Elizabeth Fire, Burney Township Fire, DCEMS, and the Decatur County Sheriff’s Department. As well as Decatur County Communications behind the radio.

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