Tree City Fall Festival Parade Lineup

2023 Fall Festival Parade Order 

  1. American Flag – Flying Tigers Navy Sea Cadets 
  1. Banner – Herb Kohler Memorial Parade 
  1. Indiana State Festivals Assocation Promtional Vehicle 
  1. Optimist Club Avenue of Flags 
  1. American Legion Post 129 Honoring Veterans 
  1. Veterans Freedom Float with Wilbur Tressler 
  1. Greensburg Police Department 
  1. Decatur County Sheriff’s Department 
  1. Mayberry Police Car (Loren Beck) 
  1. Grand Marshal Banner 
  1. Grand Marshal Emarie Jackson 
  1. Greensburg High School Cheer Team 
  1. Fall Festival Miss Tree City 
  1. Fall Festival Miss Tree City – 1st Runner Up 
  1. Fall Festival Miss Tree City – 2nd Runner Up 
  1. Fall Festival Miss Tree City – Miss Congeniality 
  1. Fall Festival Jr. Miss Tree City 
  1. Fall Festival Jr. Miss Tree City – 1st Runner Up 
  1. Fall Festival Jr. Miss Tree City – 2nd Runner Up 
  1. Fall Festival Jr. Miss Tree City – Miss Congeniality 
  1. Fall Festival Little Miss Tree City 
  1. Fall Festival Little Miss Tree City – 1st Runner Up 
  1. Fall Festival Little Miss Tree City – 2nd Runner Up 
  1. Fall Festival Little Miss Tree City – Miss Congeniality 
  1. Fall Festival Little Mr. Tree City 
  1. Fall Festival Little Mr. Tree City – 1st Runner Up & Mr. Personality 
  1. Fall Festival Royalty Court 
  1. Hond Indiana Auto Plant 
  1. Decatur County Greensburg Marching Band 
  1. Mayor Marsh 
  1. WTRE Radio 1330 AM 104.3 FM 
  1. Miss Decatur County – Madelyn Bohman 
  1. 4-H Prince and Princess 
  1. Elliott’s Insurance 
  1. Hopeless Hollow 
  1. Elwood Staffing 
  1. O’Reilly Auto Parts 
  1. Greensburg Class of 1973 
  1. The Napoleon State Bank 
  1. South Decatur High School Cheer Team 
  1. Decatur County Parks and Recreation 
  1. WRBI Radio 103.9 FM 
  1. North Decatur Elementary Teachers and Students 
  1. North Decatur High School Cheer Team 
  1. Disability and Autism Services of Indiana – DASI Kids 
  1. Greensburg Decatur County Bookmobile 
  1. Greensburg Fire Department 
  1. Decatur County EMS 
  1. Decatur County Pride Alliance 
  1. Sweets Wrecker and Auto Repair 
  1. Jack “Santa” & Bobbi “Mrs. Claus” Goodman 
  1. South Decatur Jr High Cheer Team 
  1. Heritage Bible Church 
  1. Decatur County Memorial Hospital 
  1. Melanie Nobbe for County Council at Large 2024 
  1. Rebels Xtreme Elite from Gymnastics and More 
  1. Epona Healing with Horses 
  1. Community health Care Clinic 
  1. George’s Pharmacy 
  1. Greensburg Jr High Cheer Team 
  1. DNR Contracting LLC 
  1. First Christain Church 
  1. Top Flight Athletics 
  1. Five Star Fab & Erectors 
  1. Power of the Past 

Saturday September 16th at 10am at the Tree City Fall Festival in Downtown Greensburg

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