Guilty plea in a matter involving manufacturing meth

From Decatur County Prosecuting Attorney Nathan Harter

Christopher Scott was sentenced on January 23, 2023 by Judge Tim Day in the Decatur Circuit Court, after pleading guilty to Level 2 Felony Manufacturing Methamphetamine and admitting to being an Habitual Offender. The parties entered a plea agreement in which Scott was sentenced to 20 total years, all in prison. The State was represented by Prosecuting Attorney Nate Harter. Harter noted Scott’s criminal history. Mr. Scott has prior convictions for B Felony Attempted Dealing in Methamphetamine, D Felony Possession of a Precursor, D Felony Theft, Level 6 Felony Intimidation, misdemeanor OWI and misdemeanor Resisting Law Enforcement.
Harter wants to recognize a team of several officers who prepared this case, including Assistant Chief Brandon Meyer, Detectives Mark Naylor and Mike Colson, Officers Mitch Tuttle, Thomas Tuttle, and Jacob Mays of Greensburg Police and Det. Chip Ayers of the Indiana State Police for their work in this case.
Harter expressed satisfaction with the outcome. “Manufacturing methamphetamine is an immensely dangerous activity, because the chemicals are volatile, combustible, and flammable, while also potentially giving off toxic fumes. Here, Mr. Scott was engaging in that behavior in an apartment complex, around other families and children. Then, if you avoid catastrophe in the manufacturing process, the final product is still an addictive, body-destroying poison. Twenty years in prison is an appropriate sentence in this case.”

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