Operation Commodore

On October 27, 2022, The Decatur County Sheriff’s Office partnered with the
United States Marshal’s service to conduct Operation Commodore. Operation
Commodore was a county wide sweep and check of registered sex offenders working or
living within Decatur County. This partnership and operation have been in the planning
stages for several months by SVOR coordinator Ashley Wilson and the US Marshal’s
service. The United States Marshal’s service can pursue and apprehend any registered sex
offenders that have fled their jurisdictions. Participation in the event included six Decatur
County Sheriff’s Deputies, along with 6 Deputies from the United States Marshal
service. Deputies teamed up and hit multiple locations simultaneously throughout
Decatur County. The netted results of this county wide sweep were as follows:
Felony arrest: 1
New failure to register charges: 3
Verifications completed: 27
Verifications attempted: 52
Sheriff Durant reflected on the sex offender registry and stated, “Statutorily, the
sex offender registry is one of the most critical jobs of any sheriff’s office. As your
Sheriff, I felt a partnership with the United States Marshal service in going after sex
offenders and making sure that they stay in compliance, especially during our Halloween
season, was critical. Registered sex offenders need to know that at any time we may show
up to make sure that you are complying so that we can continue to keep our community
and especially our children safe. This is a major priority for me.”
The Decatur County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the US Marshal service
for their participation in this operation.

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