City of Greensburg Board of Works- 9/10/24

The City of Greensburg Board of Works meeting was held on September 10, 2024 at 5:30 pm. The meeting began with the approval of the August 13, 2024 meeting minutes and the Executive Session on September 4, 2024. 

The Board of Works voted to approve the bid from Cummins for the maintenance contract on the Wastewater generator. 

Julie Nobbe, Personnel Administrator received approval to continue to pay Deanna Denny above her normal part time pay as she is cleaning the new Street Department. Starting in 2025 she will be moved from a part-time to full-time employee. Julie also received approval for the new Lateral Hire Policy. This new policy will help all departments to attract talent that have 1,2, or 5 years of experience. This policy will begin on January 1, 2024. 

Nate Stoermer, Fire Chief, received approval for the conditional offer of employment to candidate 1 for an immediate hire, and candidate 4 for hire contingent on a current firefighter completing their resignation time. 

Zach Wirrig, Public Projects Director provided an update on The Franklin Street Project stating that the project is for the most part completed. The road was opened a few weeks ago. They are awaiting a few minor items and this project will be completed. Zach also received approval to move forward with Duke Energy on an agreement to relocate electrical utilities for the Washington Street Project. He stated that electric lines are in the way and will conflict with light poles on the street. 

Mark Klosterkemper, Street Commissioner received approval to ask City Council for their approval to move forward with the purchase of a Trash Compactor Truck for the cost of $232, 721. This request is due to the current truck being 9.5 years old and the normal lifetime for one of these trucks are 4-5 years. Mark added that he has included this in the 2025 budget and has money on hand that will pay for the purchase. He also received approval to purchase an underground locator. 

Joshua Marsh, Mayor, received approval from the Board of Works to upgrade the 421 S Lift Station to be able to pull the pump out so it can be worked on. Currently this is the last lift station in the city that you must manually get down into the system to make changes. The cost for this is approximately $26,000. Mayor Marsh received approval to purchase new snowflakes for the light poles around the square. The current ones cause damage to poles and with the new poles on Franklin Street and the upcoming ones in Washington Street. The purchase will be using Riverboat Funds. 

The Board approved the claims. 

Mayor Marsh welcomed everyone to the Open House at the Fire Department and Street Department. Open House is scheduled for September 14, 2024, beginning with the Street Department at 11:00 am and then the Fire Department at 11:45pm.

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