City of Greensburg City Council Meeting- 9/10/24

The City of Greensburg City Council meeting was held on September 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm. 

The meeting began with Public Hearings:

  • Ordinance 2024-18 City Budget 2025- No public comments
  • Ordinance 2024-19 Greensburg Community Schools Budget 2025- No public comments

The regular meeting began with the approval of the August 13, 2024 meeting minutes. 

Zach Wirrig, Director of Public Projects received approval on the second reading of Ordinance 2024-12 for Parking Restrictions. 

Nathan Stoermer, Fire Chief, received approval on the first reading of Ordinance 2024-17 for fees and fines for fire inspections. Attorney Chris Stephens stated that he is going to review and make a few edits that the council suggested before second reading at the October meeting. 

Zach Wirrig received approval of Resolution 2024-17 which is an amendment to Parking Schedule VI which puts the city in control to update as things change and also cleans up the details of the previous schedule. Zach also received approval for the following street names Integrity Apartments and Liberty Lakes Subdivision:

Integrity Apartments (Both private streets)

  • West Spruce Way
  • North Progress Road

Liberty Lakes Subdivision (Public road)

  • North Liberty Drive

Amy Bornes, City Clerk-Treasurer presented the following Ordinances:

  • Ordinance 2024-16 to amend the salary ordinance to include the one time wellness initiative to be paid out this year for the Fire Department. This was approved on first reading. The council suspended the rules and voted to approve the second reading.
  • Ordinance 2024-18 City Budget 2025 was approved on first reading. The updated version included funding for the airport board that has a stipulation to be used for debt relief. Darrell Poling stated that he is disappointed that the city has to put funding towards debt costs for the airport because they were told that the airport would be self-sufficient. But he understands that the city’s bills must be paid. 
  • Ordinance 2024-19 Greensburg Community Schools Budget 2025 was approved on the first reading
  • Ordinance 2024-20 City Employee Salary Ordinance 2025 was approved on its first reading with a small amendment that had to do with police pension. 
  • Ordinance 2024-21 Elected Officials Salary Ordinance 2025 was discussed with a couple City Council members asking about the education stipend that was discussed for the salary of the mayor. The proposed budget states that the mayor will have a base salary and then receive an education stipend that will increase over two years. The vote was Yeas- Kevin, Daryl, and Rodney, Neas-Vietta, Darrell, and Mark. Jamie was absent for the meeting. With the vote being 3-3 Chris Stephens read Indiana State Code that states that the Administrative Official will be the tie breaker. In this situation that tie breaker went to Mayor Josh Marsh and he voted in the affirmative for the first reading of the ordinance. 
  • Ordinance 2024-22 Utility Employee Salary Ordinance 2025

Sarah Hamer, Building Commissioner presented Ordinance 2024-15 asking for approval of amendments made. This was approved on its first reading. The council voted to suspend the rules and then approved on its second reading. 

Mark Klosterkemper, Street Commissioner received approval for the purchase of a trash contractor truck as discussed during the Board of Works meeting. The truck has a lead time of seven months so he is going to move forward with ordering the truck now so we can receive it in approximately March 2025. 

Mayor Josh Marsh stated that the City of Greensburg Trick or Treat hours are October 31, 2024 5 pm- 8 pm. 

Mayor Marsh invited everyone to attend the Municipal Complex Open House on September 14, 2024. The Street Department events begin at 11:00 am. The Fire Department events begin at 11:45 am. 

The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 2, 2024. This will be the Budget Adoption meeting.

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